Search Results - Cenforce

Careprost 3ml

Careprost 3ml

  Careprost 3ml 0.03% Eye Drops Online     About Careprost (Bimatoprost Ophthalmic Solution)   Bimatoprost is a synthetic prostamide solution used to regulate fluid flow in the eye to maintain normal pressure. This drug is sold under the trade name Careprost and is effective in controlling the progression of glaucoma and in the management of ocular hypertension. It also reduces intraocular pressure (IOP) by increasing the flow of aqueous fluid from the eye. Uses of Careprost: The drug is readily available and is used to control [...]

Combat erectile dysfunction

Combat erectile dysfunction with the right medicine

Today, roughly half of men between the ages of 37 and 72 suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED) to some degree and only one in 10 report a total inability to obtain adequate erections. Even about 70% of healthy men experience a weak sexual drive and can not complete intercourse and satisfy their partners.