Search Results - Generic cialis

Male Contraceptive Pill

Research has shown that men in committed relationships are very interested in “owning” contraceptives. But when it comes to options, the list of effective methods is quite limited at this time: abstinence, condoms and vasectomy (there is also a method of rhythm or abstinence, but I don’t think you want to trust any of these).


How to Let Your Partner Know That You Are Not In the Mood

For couples, And the “chicken or egg” relationship between sex and emotional connection may be different for each couple. For some people, the desire to be sexual arises as a result of feeling emotionally connected. But for others, perhaps because of their stories, physiology and attachment styles (their particular love map), being sexual is how they find their way to emotional vulnerability.

Male Fertility

Natural Ways to Increase Male Fertility

Very often in life, things that are very good for us can also be bad if we have too much or too little of them. Fortunately, there are some proven ways that any man can improve his fertility. First, the basics: keep your genitals away from heat, so there are no hot tubs, hot baths, hot tubs, or hot saunas. Similarly, there are no laptops in your lap, and keep cell phones away from the front pockets. And there is [...]


How to Stay Sexually Connected During Infertility Treatment

Most couples know that infertility treatment will affect them physically and emotionally, but many are not prepared for the effect it has on their sexual intimacy. The hyperefocus on fertility can greatly affect desire and arousal in women and can cause sexual dysfunction in men. The following stressors explain why:

General Health, Preventive Care, annual exam, check-up, checkup, preventative, preventive, women’s health

What an obstetrician / gynecologist really think during your exam

If you’ve ever wondered what annual checkups are like from the other side of the stirrups, here’s a look inside my head during an appointment. Before entering the exam room, I take a moment to prepare: a quick sip of coffee,