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Messages in our culture can affect a woman’s libido

Women are facing negative messages in our culture maximum people know. But you may not realize that the negative messages received during a woman’s formative years can have a profound impact on how she looks sexually and how it feels to have sex. By rejecting and transcending these messages, a woman can develop a strong erotic core, allowing her to get in touch with her desire.


How to Prepare Your Partner for Sexual Intimacy

For duet, emotional connection and sexual intimacy are dynamically related, so difficulties in one area often destabilize the other. And the “chicken or egg” relationship between sex and emotional connection may be different for each couple. For some people, the desire to be sexual arises as a result of feeling emotionally connected.


During infertility treatment: sexually connected

Most couples know that infertility treatment will affect them physically and emotionally, but many are not prepared for the effect it has on their sexual intimacy. The hype refocus on fertility can greatly affect desire and arousal in women and can cause sexual dysfunction in men.


What we do: the partners not agree for anal sex

Although it is still taboo for many, there has been a cultural change in regards to heterosexual anal sex. Young women report in therapy that they are increasingly being pressured to have anal sex from the beginning. And they are not the only ones: long-married women also listen to this request.