Tag - dating

How to connect when your partner is being not interested

You talk, and your partner reacts defensively. Transmitting your concerns is like trying to send a message to a brick wall. Communication about any problem is impossible, creating a growing distance in your relationship. Still, you love them and you want the relationship to work. So how can you get through?


When Your Heart Feels Alone

Feeling a sense of emptiness in your heart can be heartbreaking. It can bring episodes of intense loneliness, and then also a deep, but dull pain, which pushes you down every day like an anchor. It is important not to despair. With a little guidance, effort and persistence, you can fill that void and live a happy life.


Do You Lose Yourself in Relationships?

You might think that truly loving someone means caring about them with all of your being – but you can’t really give all of your being to the relationship. For you to continue to love someone there has to be a “you” to do that loving. So, for the relationship to last, you must focus on your own happiness, as well as theirs.