Tag - Dating and Marriage

Dating and Marriage, Friendship, gut reaction, instinct, relationships

Can you really trust your gut?

Your bowel, or intuition, can be very useful. You can alert it when something is “off”, which indicates that you should proceed with caution; or it can give you a feeling of “this feels good. But listening only to your instinct, without considering the facts, can get you into trouble.

Dating and Marriage, Self-improvement, dating, love, marriage, relationships

Make love self before you love others

When he accepts and loves himself, he does not need the approval or love of another person, and he is likely to believe that he will find someone he will love and love. So, a bad date or rejection feels more like a detour on the road to a happy relationship than an overwhelming failure.

relationships, dating, insecure, love, Dating and Marriage

How to help your insecure partner

No matter how you try, it seems you cannot convince your partner that you are committed to them. Maybe your partner is sticky, jealous or protected by staying distant. Whatever the dynamic, they think you think the worst of them and fear that you will leave. So what can you do to show that you don’t need to worry?

relationships, dating, marriage, Dating and Marriage

Stop making the same relationship mistakes

Have you noticed how you leave a bad relationship just to find yourself repeating the same patterns in the following? You’re not alone. A recent study from the University of Alberta found that people tend to recreate many of the same patterns in their new relationships that they had in the old ones.