Tag - diet

The honest thoughts of a dietitian about weight

The honest thoughts of a dietitian about weight

When I got my degree, emerging research on obesity was a hot topic. I wrote many magazine articles about weight loss, and my master’s thesis was a survey of people who had undergone gastric bypass surgery. One of my first jobs as a dietitian was to work at a local recreation center, advising and leading small groups for people interested in losing weight.

Diets, Ingredients, carb, carbohydrate, carbs, diet, pasta, Food and Fitness

How to eat carbohydrates and still weight loss

Do you think that potatoes, pasta and bread fatten starchy carbohydrates that you should avoid if you want fabulous abs? Think again despite what the Keto diet and other extremely low carb weight loss programs can make you believe, you can enjoy carbohydrates without derailing your diet.