Tag - erectile dysfunction

How Can You Combat Erectile Dysfunction?

The inability to maintain or get a firm erection while having sex is called erectile dysfunction (ED). This condition is also known as impotence and is more common as men age. The occasional problem of erectile dysfunction is very common in men, and they experience it many times due to stress. Frequent ED is a sign of a health problem that needs to be treated early. Not all male sexual health problems caused by erectile dysfunction. Many types of male [...]


Some Things That Can Affect Erections

Getting an erection not only “happens”, it is actually a complex process that involves hormones, nerves and your vascular, psychological and general health working together. An imbalance in even just one of these factors is enough to compromise your erections, so it is important to do whatever you can to make everything work as it should.

Foods that Can Cure Erectile Dysfunction

Some Foods that Can Cure Erectile Dysfunction

Eating healthily can not only help you stay in shape, it can also help improve your sex life! Food can affect your sexual health, so you should be careful with your food choices. A few changes in the diet can do wonders for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction (ED). However, there are no miraculous foods that can cure or reverse a sexual problem like ED.