Tag - Self-improvement

This simple change in thinking can help you make healthy changes

This simple change in thinking can help you make healthy changes

If you’ve ever tried to choose a healthier lifestyle, you’ve probably learned that you resist change despite the best intentions. This is true for goals such as losing weight, eating healthier, exercising regularly or sleeping on time. Discard the kind whispers of breath with harsh “truths” about their deficiencies.

relationships, friends, Relationships, Self-improvement, Family, Friendship

Why you need to choose your friends wisely

Our interactions with other people can have a strong influence on us, even interactions that seem insignificant at this time. Something as simple as a kind word from a stranger can make you smile and feel a warm feeling; It can even cause a change in your attitude, changing the way you do the rest of your day.

Dating and Marriage, Self-improvement, dating, love, marriage, relationships

Make love self before you love others

When he accepts and loves himself, he does not need the approval or love of another person, and he is likely to believe that he will find someone he will love and love. So, a bad date or rejection feels more like a detour on the road to a happy relationship than an overwhelming failure.