Tag - sexual health

We have a should male contraceptive pill…not yet why?

Research has shown that men in committed relationships are very interested in “owning” contraceptives. But when it comes to options, the list of effective methods is quite limited at this time: abstinence, condoms and vasectomy (there is also a rhythm or abstinence method, but I don’t think you want to trust any of these).


If you require testosterone therapy? Some questions to ask

What men know about testosterone is heavily influenced by the media, especially since the FDA allowed direct consumer advertising of prescription drugs 20 years ago. Have you seen the ads: Do you fall asleep after dinner? The sex drives down? Enjoying life less than before? Work performance in the tank? It has to be testosterone, right?


Looking for point G? 6 things you should know

Is point G real? The evidence is a bit mysterious because the point does not seem to be a different structure, but rather a group of nerves and tissue that swells or changes sensation when excited. And not all women feel it. Some women feel extreme pleasure when the stain is stimulated, but others … it’s nothing.